Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

“cookie” is a piece of information that the computer/mobile/device that hosts our website gives to your computer/mobile/devise (actually to your browser) when you access the website and mobile applications. We use cookies, permissions and other trackers in our website, web-based properties and mobile applications that are used to collect and process data about you so we can provide you a better online experience as well as improve our services.

Below are the categories of cookies used on our website and mobile application along with a description:

Strictly Necessary:

These cookies are needed to run our website and mobile application, to keep it secure if you are logged on. They help us know who you are so that you can log on and manage your accounts.


These cookies are used for remembering things like:

  • Your user ID on the log on page
  • Your location or country
  • Email communications.
  • Your preferred language
  • Accessibility options like large font or high contrast pages
  • like large font or high contrast pages
  • Performance:

    These cookies tell us how you and our other users use our website. This helps us to:

  • Improve the performance of our products & services.
  • Improve the performance of the website and mobile application.

  • Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings. Please note disabling the ‘Strictly Necessary’

    We also use other tracking mechanisms in addition to the above.